Total Medals Earned: 1,509 (From 269 different games.) Total Medal Score: 23,990 Points
Medals Earned: 1/4 (25/250 points)
Beat the first level.
Kill the boss without dying.
Complete the first level without firing a shot.
Beat the game.
Medals Earned: 2/5 (75/210 points)
Defeat Dad Clock
Defeat Pico and Nene
Defeat Strawberry Clock
Win the game with more than 70 hp remaining
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 15/19 (415/645 points)
It sure is animaly in here
Is it edible?
Credit where credit is due
Listen to a song used in the game
Good job!
Oh my goodNess!
Should've kept you Locke-d up
You Won!
Legend has it the Toppat's have this sword
Yum Yum
Well, maybe not THAT famous
Fail a Total of 100 Times
Get All 60 Unique Fails
Medals Earned: 2/30 (15/500 points)
Lose at ROPE JUMP.
Destroy 10 asteroids in ASTROIDS 2.
Kill a Jesus in COP TRAINING.
Sweep and miss 10 times in SWEEP THE LEG.
Try both game modes in one session
Lose 10 times in one session of play.
Find me two sporks
Poke the mammoth in the eye
Read the instructions
Submit a score
Win RACE with 3 seconds or less left on the clock
Eat 15 food items in DIET RUN in one try.
Reach a score of 5000 points or more.
Get 3 perfect stops in CHARGE.
Get your MULTIPLIER up to 10
Get all 3 balls to fall on the correct platform in PIPES.
Get your MULTIPLIER up to 10 and then QUIT your game from the PAUSE menu.
Get a streak of 10 or more.
Destroy 10 planes in JETS.
Beat THE FINAL STAGE without losing a single life.
Serve 40 beers in BARTENDER in one try.
Finish half of STORY MODE
Get a score of 10 000 points or more.
Win KALCULATOR in 7 operations or less.
Get a streak of 20 or more.
Win 30 games in RANDOM MODE with 10 lives remaining.
Complete STORY MODE with all 10 lives.
Get a streak of 50 or more.
Medals Earned: 8/8 (365/365 points)
Boss #1
Boss #2
Boss #3
Crash the game... and your computer?
Boss #5
Boss #4
Boss #6
Medals Earned: 6/7 (290/340 points)
Kill 10 enemies.
Get 10 headshots
Kill 100 enemies
Get 50 headshots
Finish all 10 missions
Medals Earned: 4/50 (20/500 points)
Complete the tutorial
Start playing!
Enter the tower
Defeat 1 enemy
Defeat Xenon on Moon 0
Defeat Xenon on Moon 1
Defeat Xenon on Moon 2
Defeat Xenon on Moon 3
Defeat Xenon on Moon 4
Defeat Xenon on Moon 5
Reach the top of the tower
Find all the *totally adorbs* outfits :3
Brandish the Tank
Defeat an enemy using salt and pepper
Defeat the Sheriff
Defeat Xenon on Moon 6
Defeat Xenon on Moon 7
Defeat Camlaidh
Defeat Xenon with your bare hands
Reach halfway through the tower
Survive death
Die by eating an artichoke
Defeat an enemy using a hammer and a sickle
Defeat Don
Defeat an enemy in less than 10 hits
Defeat Xenon on Moon 8
Defeat Xenon on Moon 9
Hover over the reset save button for a bit
Defeat Osha
Reach floor 38 :)
Check out the credits
Defeat B. Casual
Bother Yeremey
Collect all items
Finish the game as Albany
Finish the game as Ramzi
Collect all weapons
Find Cai's soul
Defeat Satan
Brandish Sashka
Brandish Chester's finger
Defeat 38 enemies
Finish the game as Yeremey
Obtain Strawberryclock
Collect all Cibo matto items
Finish the game as Radon
Defeat 138 enemies
Defeat 380 enemies
Admire your complete medal collection!
Medals Earned: 1/19 (5/485 points)
Reach Layer 15
Lick the Jawbreaker Completely
Reach Layer 14
Reach Layer 13
Reach Layer 12
Reach Layer 11
Reach Layer 10
Reach Layer 9
Reach Layer 8
Reach Layer 7
Reach Layer 6
Reach Layer 5
Reach Layer 4
Reach Layer 3
Reach Layer 2
Reach Layer 1
Medals Earned: 1/16 (5/305 points)
Click my name on the Title Page.
Anything is Possible! (Save a Sinner by Stomping them.)
Play the game 10 times.
Get Resurrected.
Play at least one game as each one of the characters.
Eat 10 Cheeses in one game.
Save 3 Sinners from eternal damnation.
Read all of Genesis 1.
Dangle a Sinner by catching them befory they hit the ground.
Play the game 25 times.
Eat 20 Cheeses in one game.
Get hit by 100 Bricks (over multiple games, if you prefer).
Get hit by 5 bricks in one day.
Save 6 Sinners from eternal damnation.
Play the game 50 times.
Eat 40 Cheeses in one game.
Medals Earned: 3/8 (40/275 points)
Complete game on Easy
Complete game on Medium
Complete game on Hard
Score 13,000
Score 14,000
core 15,000
Complete game on Skitz
Score 16,000